Alexandre Aldavert

  • Selected Works

    Résilience Résistance

    Confondues dans la nuit, de précieuses lumières scintillent. Avec douceur, sans relâche, elles résistent

  • Biography


    France , 1986 -

    Alexandre Aldavert unites photography with writing to question, through gentleness and tenderness, our relationship to the sensitive, the living, and the environment. His works represent mineral, vegetable, or animal metaphors.

    He was born in 1986 in Créteil, where he lives and creates. A photographer for four years in a creative agency, he founded his own studio in 2015 and began exhibiting in France and abroad.

    Wonder is at the heart of his artistic approach.

    In his workshop, he initiates the elaboration of a collection of foundational elements for the future work. Their search, preservation, or the anticipation of their transformation requires patience that can take several years. Outdoors, it is a pilgrimage until the discovery of a suitable place, the daily vigil of a tree, or the advent of a season. Each work, he composes it with his hands, meticulously arranging it. With his gestures, he infuses emotions, harmonizes the details until the moment when the scene comes to life.

    The night is his paradigm. The visceral experience of its tranquility provides the artist with a space conducive to the birth of his cosmogonies. The rare light becomes his visual narration, a brushstroke writing that offers a balanced, enduring ecosystem, serenely welcoming the story. The transformation carried out, he captures it through the photographic process.

    His series "Résilience Résistance," started in 2017, currently consists of eleven still lifes, each illustrating an idea: encounter, love, welcome, revolution, daydreaming, discovery, death, climate change, ambition, generosity, and filiation. The presentation of this series in 2022 marked a significant turning point in Alexandre Aldavert's career. It was on this occasion that he could experiment with writing. Thus, each work is accompanied by a tale, giving the scene its voice. Reading makes immaterial the sharing of the artist's encounters in wonder.

    Alexandre Aldavert now aims to bring together photography and writing by allowing them to appear, not side by side, but as an inseparable whole, a unique work.


  • Exhibitions
  • Press